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How to choose dress form size?

Writer: dressformsmakerdressformsmaker


  1. The probability that you will find a standard dress form that will fully correspond to your measurements and figure is approximately 0%. You will most likely need to modify the forms and circumferences of the mannequin to fit your figure. The key task when selecting a mannequin is to choose it so that fitting the mannequin to your parameters is as easy as possible.

  2. Do not take your measurements yourself, as this often leads to distortions. Take your measurements from a professional tailor. Measurements should be taken in a natural pose and with the underwear you usually wear.

  3. Even experienced tailors take measurements slightly differently, and you should be prepared that when you measure the mannequin's parameters with your own hand, they may differ slightly from the table on the website. This does not mean that you have a defective mannequin. It is a standard measurement error that almost always occurs in practice (approximately 1-2 cm for bust, waist, and hip measurements).

Let's determine for what purpose you need a dress form:

Sewing for yourself.

Sewing for clients.

Let's consider both options.

Sewing for yourself.

This means you need a dress form with your parameters. The closer they are to your figure, the better. Of course, there are different recommendations for choosing a mannequin, but based on our experience, we recommend the following sequence:

First, consider height. All soft mannequins of any brand are designed for a height of 164-170 cm. Check the height using the "Centre back" parameter - ideally, this parameter should correspond to yours, and the difference between this parameter and your size should not be more than 2-3 cm.

Second, consider the distribution of the bust circumference between the back and chest - the "back breadth" parameter. Ideally, this parameter should correspond to yours, and the difference between this parameter and your size should not be more than 2-3 cm.

Next, consider the main circumferences: bust, waist, hips. It is better to choose a mannequin so that each of these parameters is equal to yours or slightly smaller than yours. You can add extra volume to the mannequin using overlays if necessary, but if the mannequin's parameters are larger than yours, you cannot remove the excess volume.

What should you do if there are critical deviations in the parameters or if you have a special posture and no standard model of mannequin fits?

Order a custom-made mannequin - it will exactly repeat all your parameters and posture. At first glance, the disadvantage of this option is the price, which is higher than that of standard mannequins. But it will still be more profitable than buying several standard mannequins and realizing that none of them suits you. We produce such mannequins, see details on our website.

Sewing for clients.

Congratulations, it's easier for you to choose. Determine which is the most popular size among your clients based on statistics...



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